At Benhurst Primary School, we believe that to become successful learners and achieve to their full potential, all pupils must attend school daily and punctually. All parents are actively encouraged to consider the following when booking routine medical appointments and term time holidays.
Attendance vs Days off school
A calendar year has 365 days, or 52 weeks or 12 months. A school year has 195 days, or 39 weeks or 6 terms INSET School Training Days total 5 in each year. This means pupils are expected to attend 190 days at school.
– 1 day off per school year means attendance will only ever reach 99.5%
– 10 days of per school year means attendance will only ever reach 94.7%
– 20 days off per school year means attendance will only ever reach 90%
Poor school attendance can result in academic underachievement, difficulty in making or keeping friendship groups and a loss of child’s confidence and self-esteem. Research has proved that children who have poor school attendance when attending primary school are more likely to truant when in secondary schools.

Attendance Incentives
As a school, we are working hard to raise the profile and importance of excellent school attendance.
We fully understand the need for children to recover from illnesses and recognise there are some cases where important medical appointments cannot be out of school time.
We also award an attendance trophy in KS1 and KS2 to the class with the highest weekly attendance; they keep the trophy in their classroom for the week and receive an extra playtime.
Important Contacts
Mrs Kaur – School Attendance Officer – office@benhurst.havering.sch.uk
Ms Charles – Educational Welfare Officer Rhianna.Charles@havering.gov.uk
Reporting an Absence
1) Phone the school and leave a voicemail message (01708 450807)
2) Report an absence via the designated school website tab.
3) Email the school office (please copy and paste the email if you are using a web browser) : office@benhurst.havering.sch.uk
4) Report an absence in person at the School Office (by 9-15 on the day of the absence)
Havering Council guidance for schools to follow where absences have not been reported
– Make a telephone call using the contact list (call everyone on the contact list). Leave messages if there is a voicemail option and/or text message.
– Call the contact list again.
– Consider making a home visit. If you cannot get an answer at a home visit refer immediately to Social Services or the Police.
– If a home visit is not possible, refer to Social Services or the Police.