For our school to maximise its true potential and continue to flourish, all members of the school community must share a common set of beliefs and values. At Benhurst, we have defined the Core Values which underpin our thoughts and actions.
Ambition at Benhurst
We are determined and have the motivation to move forward in our learning and dreams for the future. We set goals and have high expectations as we are driven to achieve. We believe that nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it.
Respect at Benhurst
We are kind, polite and demonstrate good manners. We treat others how we expect to be treated as we believe that everyone is equal. We are tolerant and value the views of others and accept that they can be different from our own.
Resilience at Benhurst
We strive to overcome the worry of making mistakes and understand that we become better learners because of these experiences. We persevere when faced with new and unexpected challenges as we are equipped with bounce-back ability whereby we can take risks and push our limits.
Compassion at Benhurst
We help those who are in need in our community by putting their needs before our own. We take time to put ourselves in their shoes, to understand how they feel and to find out what we can do to help them. We are forgiving of others and show kindness in all we do.
Courage at Benhurst
We believe that we should never let anything stop us from achieving our goals. We are brave in our actions, believe in ourselves and are not scared to fail when faced with challenges. We strive to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone as we know the rewards are worth it.
Creativity at Benhurst
We believe that boundless creativity is what makes us stand out and express who we are. Being imaginative, thinking for ourselves and not being restricted by boundaries enables us to be inspirational, unique individuals who become lifelong learners.
Examples of how we will share our Core Values:
- Our actions. These values apply to everyone and we lead by example.
- Language. These words permeate everyday school life.
- Planning and Marking. Where possible, we make reference to our values in lessons and when marking books.
- Displays. Classrooms have a dedicated display to the Core Values. A permanent display in the hall has also been commissioned.
- Twitter. We showcase our children’s achievements on Twitter (@BenhurstPrimary) and always link their learning or actions to our Core Values.
- Assemblies. Assemblies are specifically linked to a Core Value to help the children clearly understand their true meaning and why they are important.
- Sunshine Badges. These are awarded in Celebration Assembly and are linked to a Core Value and explained as such when being awarded.
- Values stickers. These are awarded by staff to children who have positively exhibited a Core Value.
- Communication. Letters to parents, the school website and Twitter raise awareness and promote our Core Values.
- You Tube. KS2 classes have created a short video that explain a Core Value; these are available to watch on the school YouTube account. Creating these videos gave our children a greater understanding of our values and are a useful resource to our teachers and children for years to come.
Our values are clear, simple to understand and will support our children in their development both inside and outside the classroom. Benhurst prides itself not only in providing an excellent education for its pupils but in developing young people into well-rounded individuals who make positive contributions to the society in which they live.