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At Benhurst Primary School, homework activities are a vital part of our home/school partnership and all children are expected to take part in a variety of homework tasks to enhance and support learning work in class. The expectation is that teachers will upload homework within Google Classroom by 4:30 pm each Wednesday.

Our homework is designed to consolidate and reinforce basic skills and knowledge, especially in English and Maths and provide opportunities for parents and children to work in partnership and to share and enjoy learning experiences. We believe that homework provides opportunities as children get older to develop skills of independent learning. This is particularly important in Year 5 and 6 as they prepare for their journey towards secondary school.

Reading: Each week, every child should be reading at least 4 times every week at home. For reception and KS1 children this will be recorded in their yellow home/school comment book. For KS2 children this will be recorded in their school planner. We encourage parents and carers to read with their child whenever possible and write a short comment in their comment book/planner.

Spelling: Spelling and spelling accuracy are a fundamental element of being a successful writer. To be able to spell words quickly and with fluency will support children to be the best that they can be. We follow a specific spelling scheme called Spell Zoo to support our delivery of the English curriculum. Spelling homework will be set weekly. The spellings set follow the spelling patterns covered in class learning and include common exception words in KS1 and tricky words in KS2.

Maths: Pupils from Y1- Y6 are given a Mathletics activities to complete each week. From Y2-Y6, pupils should practise their multiplication and division facts by using their Times Tables Rockstars account 5 times a week.

Topic Learning: Optional project homework will be set each term via Google Classroom. These will link to the children’s current topic. The projects are a wonderful opportunity for families to work together and enjoy some shared learning. Class teachers will share a half termly due date for these projects and a certificate will be issued on completion. Homework will be based on the ‘Be a Writer, Be a Detective and Be Creative.’

Sample Homework Overview