Admission Arrangements
Information about admission is set out on the LEA’s website. This will tell you all you need to know about Admissions. All reception children are admitted during the Autumn (September) term, this giving all children a full three years of infant education.
The LEA oversee all decisions on school admissions. They request that you complete an on-line application at the appropriate time and within the time frame given. This is also available on the link above.
In Year Admissions
Havering Council coordinates entry to Havering schools and will notify the school and parent/ carer when a place is allocated. For entries during the school year, we will invite the parent/carer and daughter to a pre-admission interview. If your daughter has previously attended a school in the UK, we will ask them to provide information on your daughter’s attendance, punctuality, behaviour and attainment so we can ensure she is supported from the start of her time here with us.
For further information on In Year Admissions please click here
Determined Admission Arrangements
Havering Council (the Local Authority) sets the oversubscription criteria and makes the decision which students is admitted. Applications from out of borough residents will be considered using the same admissions criteria. The law requires that no distinction be made between children resident in Havering and those resident in other areas.
The law requires also that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. Admission arrangements are determined (formally agreed) by admission authorities.
The determined admission arrangements for schools in the borough can be viewed on the Havering Admissions Information page.
Prospective Parent Tours
These are for prospective new parents (up to 10 per session) to visit our school during the school day as they consider their primary school options. Tours last for approximately 45 minutes and, where possible are conducted by the Headteacher, Ms Larkman. Time is allocated at the end of each tour for any general questions. We will also provide an opportunity for prospective parents to meet privately if they have any specific questions or more sensitive questions regarding their child.
Due to the high volume of interest, we are unable to provide individual tours. We recommend you book onto the tours early to ensure you have the most convenient day/time. Please telephone the school office to book an appointment (01708 450807) or if more convenient, email the school office.