Home E Reception

Welcome to Reception

Staff members

Class Teacher Additional adults


Mrs Khan

Mrs Hall

Ms Johnson


Mrs Sattar

Morning and End of Day Routines

Start time: 9:00am    –      Finish Time 3.30

Lunch Time: 11:45 till 13:15


It is crucial that the school office have the current and up-to-date contact details (phone numbers and email addresses). Please contact them if your details have changed.

At Benhurst Primary, we pride ourselves on our open-door policy. If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, you can either contact the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you could contact teachers via Google Class.


What to bring to school

We encourage children to not bring backpacks into school unless absolutely necessary so as to limit the number of items they bring in from home each day.

All your children need to bring is:

  • Spare clothes (named)
  • Wellington boots (named)
  • A named water bottle
  • A named packed lunch (if not school dinners)
  • Their reading record



We are very excited about the work we will be doing in Reception this year. We will be teaching the full Reception curriculum. We will deliver our curriculum through a balance of adult led and child-initiated activities based on the 2021 EYFS Framework & children’s interests.

Click here to open the Curriculum Overview.


Weekly Home Learning

Google Classroom will be used to communicate relevant information about Reception and any half term projects that are set for the children. We encourage children to complete activities set out in their home learning books. This is also a great way to share any ‘WOW’ moments and learning outside the school environment.

We encourage children to engage with reading their phonic book every day for 5 minutes and for children to be read to a few times a week.


In Reception children will complete a Baseline Assessment at the beginning of the year which provides a snapshot view of where children are when they start the year. It will provide a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils between reception and the end of primary school. Class teachers will observe, interact and extend play alongside the children’s interest to engage children across the seven areas of learning.

Teachers will make judgements to inform the EYFS Profile which is a ‘statutory assessment of children’s development at the end of the academic year in which they turn 5. It is used measure a child’s attainment against the 17 Early Learning Goals across all 7 areas of learning. The EYFS Profile is not a test and children cannot pass or fail’.

There are seven areas of learning in the EYFS and these are covered in each topic. These include three prime areas and four specific areas. These are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Prime)
  • Communication and Language (Prime)
  • Physical Development (Prime)
  • Literacy (Specific)
  • Mathematics (Specific)
  • Understanding of the World (Specific)
  • Expressive Arts and Design (Specific)

As well as teaching what children should know in the seven areas, we also look at how children learn. These are called the Characteristics of Effective Learning. These are:

  • Playing and Exploring: Finding out and exploring; playing with what they know; being willing to have a go
  • Active Learning: Being involved and concentrating; being able to keep on trying; enjoying achieving what they set out to do
  • Creating and Thinking critically: Have their own idea; making links; choosing ways to do things

We understand and appreciate the importance of the outdoor environment for our children. It is a continuation of our indoor provision and it will be used at every opportunity. At Benhurst, we provide our children with opportunities to develop their gross motor skills, to deepen their imaginations and also their sense of curiosity. We want the children to feel safe and secure at all times and ensure that our safeguarding procedures are rigorous and kept up to date. Communication is important to us and we greatly value the relationship that we develop with parents throughout this vital year.

Useful Websites

ParentPay –

Essential Letters and Sounds-

Phonics Play – (subscription not required for some activities)

Child Fun
Preschool Rainbow
Phonics Play
Activities Village